
Dear community of the Chilean Journal of Nursing, we inform you that we continue to receive articles for publication this 2024,
with a continuous publication system on Nursing and Health Sciences topics;
and an average publication time of nine weeks from article submission to publication. (GUIDELINES FOR THE AUTOR)





Introduction: In the socio-sanitary context of a pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the National Immunization Program (PNI) plays an essential role in the emergency vaccination process against this virus. Specific guidelines respect that allows compliance with the immunization objectives. In the development of PPI I, it was possible to generate knowledge about the preparation of the emergency team for extramural vaccination and to carry out educational actions. Objective: To integrate the interventions carried out by nursing students in professional practice in the extramural vaccination process developed at the CESFAM Félix de Amesti in Macul during the first semester of 2021. Development: To detect the problems of the interventions to be developed, conversations are held with the health professionals in charge of the vaccination process, once identified, are prioritized using the Hanlon matrix. A problem tree is drawn up to determine the causes and effects of the problems identified for each intervention. Once the process was carried out, it was observed that one of the problems lies mainly in the ignorance and disorganization of the emergency team. Therefore, a training of the personnel is carried out, based on an audiovisual presentation. A second problem focuses on the ignorance of the effectiveness of the vaccine. Through an educational intervention, an informational brochure for each vaccine (Pfizer, CoronaVac, and CanSino). Final considerations: The realization of the PPI I allow the saturation of the competencies in Primary Health Care in the different roles of the discipline for the professional in nursing training. Both the professionals and users who participated in the interventions acquired new knowledge about the preparation of the emergency team and the effectiveness of the vaccines. The roles of Management, Education and mainly Assistance stand out.


Students, Nursing, Primary Health Care, Organization and Administration, Immunization Programs, Vaccination, Education, Nursing


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2. Ministerio de Salud (MINSAL). Obligatoriedad de la vacunación [Internet]. Chile; 2021 [citado 1 de agosto 2021]. Disponible en: https://vacunas.minsal.cl/informacion-a-la-comunidad/obligatoriedad-de-la-vacunacion/
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8. Subsecretaria de Salud Pública. Ficha Vacuna contra SARS-CoV-2 Vacuna BNT162B2 Laboratorio Pfizer – BioNTech [Internet]. Santiago; 2021 [citado 1 de agosto 2021] Disponible en: https://www.minsal.cl/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/VACUNA-PFIZER-1.06.2021.pdf
9. Subsecretaria de Salud Pública. Ficha Vacuna contra SARS-CoV-2 Vacuna CoronaVac - Laboratorio Sinovac Life Sciences [Internet]. Santiago; 2021 [citado 1 de agosto 2021]. Disponible en: https://www.minsal.cl/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/FICHA-VACUNA-SINOVAC-4-de-marzo.pdf
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15. Morales A. Vacuna de CanSino logra sobre 90% de efectividad para cuadros graves. IPSUSS [Internet] 2021 [citado 1 de agosto 2021]. Disponible en: http://www.ipsuss.cl/ipsuss/analisis-y-estudios/vacuna-de-cansino-logra-sobre-90-de-efectividad-para-cuadros-graves/2021-03-18/103915.html