
Dear community of the Chilean Journal of Nursing, we inform you that we continue to receive articles for publication this 2024,
with a continuous publication system on Nursing and Health Sciences topics;
and an average publication time of nine weeks from article submission to publication. (GUIDELINES FOR THE AUTOR)




  • Paola Carrasco Aldunate Doctorado en Ciencia de Enfermería Universidad Andrés Bello
  • Susana Guajardo Canales Universidad Tecnológica de Chile INACAP
  • María Soledad Rivera Martínez Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


The model of work and simultaneous study of university students is normal practice in many countries of the world. Objective: to reveal the meaning of the experience of nursing students who study and work simultaneously in a Chilean institution of higher education. Methodology: a qualitative study with phenomenological orientation based on Husserl. Minimally structured interviews were conducted between January and May of 2019, with eight nursing students studying and working at Technological University of Chile. Results: Five categories were identified that account for the experience: Living a Challenge, Feeling Motivated, Facing Obstacles, Obtaining Benefits, and Experiencing Costs. Conclusions: The experience of studying Nursing and working simultaneously, is presented with several factors to consider that are shaping an experience that, despite being difficult, exhausting, and including critical moments, implies a challenge. However, personal growth and satisfaction of achieving this challenge sit above the obstacles that must be overcome.


Education, Higher , Students, Nursing, Qualitative Research, Work


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