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Prevalence of factors associated with difficult peripheral venous access in a paediatric population in a Chilean hospital



Introduction: Half of the insertion attempts for peripheral intravenous catheters in pediatric patients result in difficult intravenous access, defined as a failed peripheral intravenous catheter insertion at the first puncture. Currently, the DIVAscore is used as a predictive tool for difficult intravenous access; however, there is research that proposes new factors associated with Difficult Intravenous Access (DIVA), revealing a need to analyze them in depth. Aim: To identify the prevalence of factors associated with difficult intravenous access in pediatric patients treated in the surgery service of a hospital in Chile, in 2022. Methodology: Cross-sectional, descriptive, and quantitative research with purposive sampling. Patients aged 0 to 14 years with difficult intravenous access were included. To analyze their medical history, 5 of the factors that are most mentioned in the literature were selected: Obesity, Diabetes, Sickle Cell Anemia, Chemotherapy, and Dialysis. An Ad Hoc comparison grid was used, the results were analyzed using software and the confidence interval was 95%. Results: The median age was 1 year, with an interquartile range of 3. The most prevalent medical history found in patients with difficult intravenous access was obesity, present in 31% of the sample. The second was Sickle Cell Anemia, with 5%. Conclusions: A significant difference was found between the variables, with obesity being the most prevalent. This research achieved its purpose of providing evidence that facilitates decision-making for the care of patients’ venous system.


Pediatrics, Catheterization, Peripheral, Vascular access devices, Nursing care, Evidence-Based Nursing


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