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Effective interventions for the adoption of HIV prevention measures among Latin American migrants: a systematic review



Introduction: The migrant population experiences diverse circumstances that influence sexual risk behavior, rendering them particularly susceptible to HIV. Objective: To identify effective interventions for promoting the adoption of HIV prevention measures among Latin American migrants. Methodology: A search was conducted on PubMed-Medline, Scopus, EBSCO-Host, and SciELO for articles published between 2000 and 2022, using the keywords Migrants, Sexual Behavior, HIV, Condom, and HIV Testing, alongside filters provided by the ISSG Search Filter Resource. Data extraction was performed using the Critical Appraisal Tools 3.0 platform, followed by a narrative synthesis of the variables. Results: Five articles were included, revealing beneficial outcomes from interventions targeting various factors relevant to HIV prevention. The studies focused on migrant populations residing in different US states, including Texas, North Carolina, and Florida, which are among the top ten states with the highest Latino migrant populations. Conclusion: This review allowed us to describe effective interventions for HIV prevention among Latin American migrants, highlighting at least two interventions with well-defined methodologies conducive to reproducibility. One aspect that could enhance the findings of future approaches to the literature is expanding the databases and consider the gray literature, as its inclusion is crucial in the review process.


Transients and Migrants, HIV, Sexual Behavior, Systematic Review


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