
Dear community of the Chilean Journal of Nursing, we inform you that we continue to receive articles for publication this 2024,
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Aim: To identify the presence of gender order throughout the history of nursing through factors and events that could have affected the identity of modern nursing. Methods: Reflection work based on a panoramic review of indexed original papers (found in databases, peer-reviewed, and published after 2017). Results: Since ancient times, underestimation, oppression, and subordination of women in favor of men have influenced the professional development of nursing. Three elements stand out. First, activities such as life- and healthcare (very specific to nursing) have been considered inherently feminine and, therefore, lacking any scientific background. Second, the oppression and struggle for power by the medical profession have restricted freedom in professional decision-making. Finally, we reflect on how religion (mainly Christianity) could have idealized in the collective imagination the obedient, servile, passive, and humble behavior of the nurse. Conclusions: The identity of modern nursing probably results from a complex combination of elements where a common denominator is gender order. It is necessary to change harmful social constructions (such as stereotypes), build fairer professional relationships, and assume the responsibilities that leadership and professional independence imply. Nurses who work in higher education institutions may adopt a leading role since they are key elements in transmitting the gender order.


Gender Norms, Gender Stereotyping, History of Nursing, Nursing, Essay


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