In this work we report a didactic experience conceived within the framework of a Professional Master’s Degree in Physics Teaching, which was inspired by Paulo Freire pedagogy. The chosen theme was X-rays (matter and radiation), used to provide scientific enculturation for students of the Normal Course, who will teach in the first years of the elementary school. We intended to develop autonomy and self-confidence for the teachers-to-be, enabling them to discuss challenging topics of the modern society in the classroom. The proposed didactic sequence has been shown powerful to bring out inquisitive and emancipatory learning, that might contribute to a better scientific education, by transposing elements related to the discussed theme to the classroom
X Rays, teacher training, scientific enculturation.
Massoni, N. T., Vargas, G. S., & Teixeira, C. V. (2019). X-rays, scientific enculturation, autonomy and reflection: a proposal (nor so Freirean) inspired by dialogical pedagogy. Revista Chilena De Pedagogía, 1(1), 16–35.
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