The present work aims to contribute to the study of inclusion and educational diversity based on a methodological proposal, which is based on a Likert scale based on the dimensions developed by the Inclusion Index. This methodological proposal works as an analytical tool that allows to identify the perceptions and opinions about the diversity of cultures, idioms, and languages that migrant students express and exercise in Chile. The research approach is qualitative, since it collects information based on a case study, linked to the Las Brisas School.
Índex para la inclusión, inclusión escolar, Diversidad, Cultura, Interculturalidad.
Loyola Bustos, C. D., & Carvajal Villegas, A. (2020). The Inclusion Index as a management tool and educational improvement.: Un estudio de caso. Revista Chilena De Pedagogía, 2(1), 107–134.
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